Objects in Space
Arranging Objects in Space. Creating Moments?
Finding myself somewhat limited to just the things in my immediate space, (when I would have liked to take things outside, or just different places in general), led to some pondering on how I arrange things to create interactions during the more quotidian parts of my life.
The Measuring Geese return, and this time each with their own name. (From bottom to top, they are called Cwtch, Barnaby, Seren and Bach). Their gaze is interesting to change and direct, so that one moment they are staring you down, and the next they appear to just be curious. In this photo, above, I think they look like a sort of foreboding singular goose unit, with a presence like a huge boat. Facing them head-on, at eye level, is intimidating. What do these geese intend? Where are they going? What do they want with me? Are they even friendly?
I particularly enjoy how it looks like the smallest measuring goose (Bach) has turned his head to notice
us, in the last photo. Space feels never-ending, over-taking, stretched etc... The sense of distance is heightened. At floor-level, walking past each measuring goose is a gigantic task that carries tension.
I was interested in the contrast between the cozy, orange glow of the house lamp, and the cold, gray through the window. By the way it glows the house lamp becomes a beacon, and the suggestion of a continued world. There is separation between cold/cozy, and also between the real world (where the viewer is), and the dream-ish world hinted at by the house lamp.
It all circles back to scale, and doors. And hidden things. I like the encouragement to explore, and the suggestion of what things become in the context of the door- that old foam and cardboard are now a whole environment.
(I haven't included the 10ish other photos that don't add much.)
Stellar names for the birds. I really like the 3rd to last picture of the foam thing (mattress maybe). I feel like they are alive and they are being scrunched in there. The legs and body are contorted. Also I Love the little doors!